On Thursday, November 10 at 6pm, Cuba Circulating Library will host local author Barbara Knight for a talk and signing. Her book, Lily’s Healing Journey, is a work that has evolved from dealing with her own hurts as well as the hurts of others. It is Barb’s hope that through the circulation of this book, its message of healing and hope will touch hurting hearts. She feels that for every heart that is touched, there is victory over abuse. Barb’s hope is that it will continue to touch hearts and deliver that message of hope to those who need it most. This program is free and open to the public. Copies of the author’s book will be available for purchase at the program. Contact the Cuba Library at cuba@stls.org or call (585) 968-1668 if you have any questions.
Barb Knight is a married mom of two grown children, and a grandma. She is an accomplished writer and photographer, and has worked for three local papers as a photo-journalist for almost thirty years. She has created a travel blog on WordPress (BlessedTraveler13) to journal all of the vacations she has enjoyed. Barb retired in May from the Pioneer Central School System, where she worked as a teaching assistant for 23 years.