Children’s Programs

Bwana Jim 2023

Bwana Jim came to the library with some of his animals and shared his knowledge with the children.

Easter Egg Hunt 2022

Each of the storytime classes did an Easter egg hunt the week before school’s spring break.

Dairy Days Petting Zoo 2021

Mike Morton is brought some animals for a petting zoo on the library’s front lawn during the Cuba Dairy Days celebration. This program was paid for by the Kaleigh Wilday Memorial Foundation.

Earth Day 2021

For Earth Day, children were invited to join us for a story time reading of “The Very Impatient Caterpillar” by Ross Burach, followed by a quick walk on The Genesee Valley Greenway State Park (trail). Youth were encouraged to gather pinecones, twigs, stones etc. and return to the gazebo for a craft activity: “A Self Portrait” made out of clay & the items collected on the walk.