Gift and Memorial Giving
Giving a gift to the Library in the name of a friend or relative becomes a lasting tribute to that special individual. Your gift may honor someone on their birthday or anniversary or you may make a gift in memory of the deceased. You may also choose to make a donation to support library programming or to add materials to the library collection. We have made it possible to donate online through PayPal via the button at the bottom of this page, or you may stop in or mail your donations as well.
The Cuba Circulating Library is a non-profit, charitable organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. Gifts made to the Cuba Circulating Library are usually tax exempt for the donor.
How Much Does It Cost?
Your gift may be large or small. Your gift can be used to buy a book, audio-visual material or periodical subscription. Your gift may be added to the Endowment Fund, which, as it grows, will add income to the Library. The amount of the gift is up to you.
How Do I Know What to Give?
You can suggest a book or material on a particular subject. You can make a selection from materials already ordered or received. You can make a donation to the general Memorial Fund for purchase of materials. You can make a donation to the Endowment Fund. Gifts of $100 or more go into this fund unless otherwise specified. You can ask the librarian what is most needed at the present time in either the adult collection or juvenile collection.
How Is The Tribute Recognized?
A bookplate is placed in or on the front of the item selected, giving the name of the person being honored and the name of the donor. The honoree or his/her family receives an acknowledgment. The gift is recorded permanently in the Gift and Memorials book. The gift is listed in the library eNewsletter and on the website. The donor receives an acknowledgment. Donors may also request that no plaque be used if they would prefer.
How Do I Make My Donation?
You may use this form to make your gift or memorial.
Please complete the form on the back and mail or bring it to:
Cuba Circulating Library
Memorial Fund
39 East Main Street
Cuba, New York 14727
Make any checks payable to: Cuba Circulating Library, and indicate name of honoree or deceased on memo line.
Recent Memorials
Memorials for March
- for Phyllis Burt by Tina Dalton
- for Rosemary “Widge” Law by Mark & Sue Moyer and Joyce Nencetti
- Dr. Robb Moses by Marie Moses Willer
- for Barbara Sheridan by Ann Gross
Memorials for February
- for Rosemary “Widge” Law by Michael Brewster, Michele Miller, and Jim & Paula Robinson
- for Bob Little by Nancy, Mike, Jim & Lisa Robinson
- for Oliver by Tina Dalton
- for Helen Rogosiewski by Tina Dalton
Memorials for January
- for Steve Colburn by John & Charlotte Cappellini
- for Samuel Hadden by Operation Warm Hearts Advisory Council
Memorials for December
- for Frederick A. Barber by Raymond & Jane Sader
- for Matthew Eric Chamberlain by Tina Dalton
Recent Donations
Donations for March
- from Mark & Patricia Ash
Donations for February
- from Peggy Baker
Donations for January
- from ARVAS (Allegany River Valley Aquarium Society)
- from Obi Community Church Ladies Missionary Society
- from Sandra Keough
- from Cheryl Simcox
Donations for December
- from Friends of the Cuba Library Inc in honor of Patricia Ash
- from John & Sharon Pfahler
- from L.C. & Karen Whitford