Patron Services


Black & White single sided 25 cents per page, double sided 30 cents
Color 50 cents per page, double sided 75 cents

The library only offers copies on regular and legal sized paper. Our copier only offers very limited enlargement capabilities and cannot do photo quality prints.

Please note that both copies and faxing are cash only services. Payment is due at the time of the service. We are unable to accept credit or debit cards. Patrons are responsible for all printed pages. Please ask for assistance if you are unsure how to print the pages you need.


Outgoing 25 cents per page, including the cover page
Incoming 25 cents per page
The incoming fax number is 585-968-3004.


Pages can be scanned to either a USB drive or an email address.
Scanning services are offered free of charge.

Public Computers

Six public access computers with internet access are available for public use (available software includes Microsoft Office). Our computers have a one-hour time limit, but patrons may extend their time up to three hours providing that no one is waiting to use them. The computer located outside the computer lab near the teen area is for catalog (STARCat) use only.

Please be aware that no email will be sent on the library’s account. You may use email only if you have your own mail account with yahoo, hotmail, gmail or a similar provider.

Children under the age of seventeen (17) years must have parental permission to use the Internet at the Library. Children under the age of nine (9) must be accompanied by an adult to use the computers in the computer lab.

In the children’s section a Krayon Kiosk with four iPads loaded with games appropriate for younger children is available. These do not have internet access.


24/7 Wireless internet is available for laptop and mobile device users, and two laptops are available for patron use within the library. Our WiFi password is posted on the front of the building under the library hours and at the circulation desk.

Web-Based Catalog (STARCat)

The library catalog is an electronic database listing all of the materials held by our local library and the other libraries in our 48 library system. With a local library card you can search STARCAT and place requests for library material from any computer or device. There is a computer located outside the computer lab that is specifically designated for catalog use only.

Curbside Service

How to pick up your holds from Cuba Library

  • Place your hold in our online catalog if possible. You may also call us or email for assistance placing holds.
  • Receive a phone call or email confirming your hold is ready for pick up and schedule a pick up time, or just come to the library during open hours.
  • Call the library phone number to notify staff that you are outside for pick up.
    • Have your library card number ready when you call
    • Please wait in your vehicle while we verify your card number.
  • If you desire a zero contact pick-up, staff will place your items on the bench outside the library’s main entrance.
    • Staff will also bring items to your vehicle if you pull up to the curb ahead of the crosswalk.
  • If you have any questions about the process, please call the library.

Services for Patrons With Disabilities

The Cuba Library building is handicap accessible with a lift going to all three levels.  The Village of Cuba also designates one parking space in the front for Handicapped Parking.

The Library has an up-to-date collection of large print books and of audio materials on CD. Additional audio materials in digital form are available through Overdrive.

The Library also has home delivery using volunteers to deliver library materials to adults unable to come to the Library themselves. This service is available to individuals who are homebound and live within the Library’s service area, an area identical to the Cuba Elementary School area.

Individuals need a Cuba Library card and must follow standard circulation policies.

Individuals may request specific titles or the librarian will select materials for you.

Inter-Library Loan

Please note: This service is used to request books not held by member libraries of the Southern Tier Library System (STLS). Before making a request, use StarCat, STLS’s automated catalog to see if the item may already be in our Library System. You may also find Starcat under the online catalog link at the right of any Web page on this site. If you find the item you need in StarCat, place a hold. We will contact you when it is ready to pick up.

  • If the item is not listed in StarCat, please stop in or call the library to start an inter-library loan request. Please try to have as much information as possible about the item, such as author, title, subject matter, etc. The more information that you can provide, the better chance we will have of locating the item you need.
  • A library staff member will be happy to assist you in this process.

Inter-Library Loan Rules:

  • We will not place ILL requests for items already owned by the Cuba Library or another STLS library.
  • Patrons can have up to 5 ILL requests at one time. This includes ILLs currently checked out as well as titles currently on request.
  • Patron must have a current, unblocked, and valid STLS library card, with less than $5.00 in fines.
  • Because these materials are being requested from libraries outside STLS, ILL requests may take a few weeks to fulfill.
  • Patron is responsible for the replacement costs of any lost items which may be $100 or more and is determined by the owning library.
  • Late fines for ILL items are $.50/day.
  • Repeated failure to return items by the due date may result in a suspension or loss of interlibrary loan privileges for the patron.
  • Patrons have one week from the arrival of an ILL to pick up their item.
  • Repeated failure to pick up an ILL book may result in a suspension or loss of ILL privileges for the patron.
  • We cannot borrow items that have been published in the last 12 months.
  • We will not order the same title on multiple occasions.

Please be aware that the following items are hard to obtain:

  • Genealogical material
  • Audiovisual materials (DVDs, CDs, VHS)
  • Old or rare books; text books

Additional Information

Acceptable Patron Behavior Policy (pdf 201 KB)

Confidentiality of Library Records (pdf 73 KB)