Have you always been curious about some of the mushrooms that grow locally? Adults are invited sign up for a guided foray/mushroom ID hike on Saturday, July 13 at 3 pm at Bush Hill State Forest. On these hikes we hope to expand people’s eco-literacy with a focus in mushroom identification and mushrooms roles in ecosystems. The guides will be covering topics like mushroom anatomy, habitat and species identification. Hikes vary in time, generally lasting 1-2 hours. Sam Warren and Brandon Miller are both NYSOGA licensed hiking guides. Both guides also have their NY Wild Mushroom Safety Certifications and more than 25 years combined foraging experience. There is no cost to attend the hike, but space is limited and registration is required. Please contact Cuba Library at (585)968-1668, email cuba@stls.org, or message us on Facebook.
This program is funded in memory of Mike Doyle by Michael & Marjanne Kunz.