Arts Access is a program of Arts Services Inc. (ASI) that provides free admission and transportation to arts and cultural programs and events for individuals receiving income-based public assistance in Western New York. The Arts Access program was created to remove the barriers that prohibit many Western New Yorkers from experiencing the arts, including cost, transportation, language, and effort. Arts Access passes can be used at any of their 45 partner locations. A representative from Arts Access will be on hand on Thursday, February 2 at 2 pm at the Cuba Library to talk about the program and help people register for this free program. Contact Cuba Library at (585) 968-1668 or email cuba@stls.org with any questions. You can also visit https://www.arts-access.org/ for more information and a list of partner organizations.
Virtual attendance for the program is also available via GoToMeeting. If you wish to attend the program virtually, please email cuba@stls.org to request the link.